Innovation Unit and The Health Foundation have come together in the “Against the Odds” research project and identified 10 UK innovations which have demonstrated “successful scaling”, one of which is Florence. From these case studies, they were able to highlight eight key enablers for scalability of new innovations within the NHS.
Peered alongside other respected innovations such as Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating (DAFNE), Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) , Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators (ICDs), Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) and Rapid Assessment Intervention and Discharge (RAID) the report teases out key insights into Flo’s adoption and spread.
- “The flexibility of the platform and capability support model enables adoption in a wide variety of contexts, as well as co-production of the way in which Florence is adopted in each site with clinicians and patients.”
- “The input of clinical perspectives has been a cornerstone of the design and development process of Florence.”
- “Florence’s central team invest in organisations for the long term, supporting them to implement the system by providing unlimited support to build protocols and adapt the structure and messaging of Florence to fit their specific clinical focus areas.”
- “The business model is explicitly not-for-profit, and has a strong narrative that focuses on a desire to satisfy the goals that clinicians are passionate about: better patient outcomes and effective use of NHS resources.”
- “The Florence team highlight the importance of gathering evidence on how Florence is used in a particular context, or with a focus on a particular cohort and their clinical outcomes.”
You can read the full report here. Look out for Florence starts on pages 50, 51, 52, 53.
#Innovation Unit #The Health Foundation #Against the odds #TotallyUnique