Morag Hearty
NHS Lanarkshire
Despite the howling gales and torrential rain we were delighted to welcome Karen Moore from Simple Shared Healthcare (Flo) to our second development day on Tuesday 10th November.
Staff and managers from across the Health and Social care partnerships came to hear about Florence and discuss what it could offer to their services. Lanarkshire has been fortunate in securing funding from the Scottish Government Technology Enabled Care programme (TEC) which will support the expansion of Home and Mobile Health Monitoring (HMHM) using Florence. Splitting the day up into sessions allowed our managers and staff to attend what was relevant/of interest to them i.e. the first session was aimed at managers and staff new to Florence –the demo from Karen certainly “popped” a few light bulb moments! An informal chat from one of our first staff “pioneers” and our latest enthusiastic “recruit” gave us all an honest view of their experiences and what the patients and their carers were finding;
“I was sceptical at first” and “hard work to get it right but now we are in the swing of it. “
“Mobile phones glued to their right hands so have to take blood from the left – they love it”“mums tell their younger kids – Dr is asking if you have…” they are tickled pink at that!
The interactive session from health psychologist Dougie kept the momentum going – see his blog! Lunch was a moving experience (we had to physically move rooms and put the chairs back- thanks Lesley and Audrey!) but enjoyed by all and provided a chance to network – always the big hit!
In the afternoon our current and developing groups were able to spend some time fine tuning protocols/problem solving and sharing Karen’s expertise which ended with a session for administrators on some handy tips and pointers.
Useful comments on the day were obtained via our “Fairy feedback” poster – ask me for details! (Especially useful when people are coming in and out of sessions and saves the dreaded last minute evaluation!). This was followed up by creating a distribution list which no one “opted out of” – always a good sign and it generated some unsolicited thanks and requests for further discussions with new teams.
Ps I like it when no one puts anything in the “Fairy trash can”!
#Scotland #TotallyUnique