We are delighted to congratulate our own Lisa Taylor and Jayne Birch-Jones on the publication of “Implementing a Technology Enabled Care Service” in the British Journal of Healthcare Management. This peer reviewed journal article, made possible by the “AIM for Health” programme and wider successes in the Simple Telehealth Community makes essential reading for anyone with aspiration to achieve a successful TEC service implementation.
Avoiding the all-to-common hype and implausible claims surrounding TECs, this paper derived from observed best practice across a plethora of diverse implementations, identifies nine crucial areas vital to successful implementation. The Article contains many references and examples of good practice, providing a ‘How to’ guide applicable to the majority of TECs implementations. Success criteria formed from expert opinion across the UK’s successful and unsuccessful TECs deployments are discussed, taking into account the authors critical ‘warts and all’ approach.
The abstract is reproduced below and the full text can be accessed on the BJHM site (subscription required). http://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/abs/10.12968/bjhc.2016.22.1.23
Simple Telehealth Community members can view the full text article here.
Abstract: Adoption and diffusion of any innovation within the NHS present particular challenges. This article aims to consolidate the learning gathered thus far from telehealth implementation nationally by delivering practical critical factors that have previously demonstrated success, including those that have succeeded in diffusing its use more widely. This article focuses on the lessons learned from the use of telehealth to promote patient self-management. It will refer to best practice evidence and examples collected as part of a yearlong national project supported by NHS England and of those identified across other organisations who have commissioned Simple Telehealth (STH) outside of the project. The article will identify nine areas of key success criteria and best practice, supported by evidence and case studies.
For more information contact lisa.taylor@simple.uk.ne