Phil O’Connell Creator of the NHS’s Simple Telehealth & Florence
Jackie Smart TECs Consultant
With the continued spread and adoption of Simple Telehealth and Florence, our NHS members have asked for clarification on the ownership and use of Florence content and related materials to prevent misappropriation outside of the intended purpose.
Over time members of the Simple Telehealth Community have developed Florence and Simple Telehealth specific pathways, protocols and content, and without any thought of payment they have made them available to other like minded members of the Simple Telehealth Community to use safely with Florence for their own patients.
It is the intention of contributing members that their efforts are protected to be used safely within the unique Simple Telehealth & Florence environment and that their work is not misappropriated for use outside of the Simple Telehealth Community.
Materials1, typically interpretations of best practice guidance and/or NHS pathways are developed by individual members or collaborating members specifically for use with Florence. The development of these Materials1 may also involve the use of Simple Shared Healthcare’s specialist knowhow and methodologies and the knowhow, designs and methodologies licensed for use by Simple Shared Healthcare by NHS Stoke-on-Trent Clinical Commissioning Group.
Ownership of Foreground Intellectual Property contained in Materials1 developed for Florence resides with the member’s organisation and ownership of background Intellectual Property resides with the originating author under associated terms of use.
For clarity; To protect members interests, use of Materials1 by non-members of the Simple Telehealth Community is PROHIBITED, but members of the Simple Telehealth Community may freely use contributed Materials1 to benefit their patients through Florence via the Creative Commons None-Commercial Licence.( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 UK )
1 Florence and Simple Telehealth specific pathways, protocols, templates, content, user guides, promotional material, patient information et al
For more information contact phil.oconnell@simple.uk.net