Tackling Telehealth 2: How to develop intergrated care through the implementation of TECS. The second report by Dr Ruth Chambers and team takes your TECS strategy to the next level.
We need to understand how health & social care professionals can make technology enabled care really happen, when they are working from different organisations in various settings providing care for the same patient and their condition(s).
The aim of ‘integrated care working’ features in every local health economy’s strategies for provision of care, especially in relation to the care of frail and complex patients. In reality what is needed is ‘continuity of care’ that overcomes current contradictory assessments and care plans that act as a barrier to connected and coherent care; such connectedness requires informational continuity, management continuity and relational continuity generating a ‘connected and coherent series of healthcare events or seamless care.
The key messages from the Inside Commissioning conference (04/02/2015) were that CCGs need to be bold and ‘think big’ – and build strong relationships across the local health economy. Seamless integrated care with clinical engagement were the themes that underpinned all the presentations that focused on effective commissioning of health and social care. So this article describes how technology enabled care services can be a main element in this evolution of effective integrated care working [extract from full article].
The article “How can we make integrated care happen effectively via delivery of technology enabled care services [TECS] by health & social care professionals?” has been published and is available to read in full using the link below
Lisa Taylor, February 2015