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The King’s Fund; “Florence is a low-cost, low-risk innovation with a strong track record.”

Adoption and spread of innovation in the NHS 

This latest independent publication by Ben Collins of The King’s Fund discusses the challenges of innovation adoption in the NHS and draws on “eight examples of successful spread of innovation”. We’re delighted that our own Simple Telehealth Community of Practice including, ‘Florence’ and ‘Annie’ have been selected as one of the eight examples.
Some of our favourite quotes from the study; 

  • “Florence is a low-cost, low-risk innovation with a strong track record.”
  • “The benefits Florence can deliver are wide ranging”
  • “Florence is an enabler rather than a solution for clinicians and their patients.”
  • “Its greatest strength is offering a simple, adaptable framework for clinicians to work more effectively with patients and for patients to take a greater role in managing their conditions, without the need for costly investments”
  • “Florence can contribute to a dramatic improvement in quality of life for patients with long-term conditions”
  • “It fits within and can be adapted for existing work processes rather than requiring substantial redesign.  It doesn’t require staff to develop new skills or very different ways of working.”

Click to read the full publication or the Florence case study.

#King’s Fund #NHS Innovation #TotallyUnique

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