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Mental Health; ELFT wins prestigious Innovating for Improvement award

Raguraman (Ram) Padmanabhan Telehealth Service Lead IMTAC-Directorate Lead-CHN-Adults 

20 April 2016 
A team from East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) has been selected by The Health Foundation, an independent health care charity, to be part of its £1.5 million innovation programme, Innovating for Improvement.

The third round of the Innovating for Improvement programme is supporting twenty health care projects in the UK with the aim of improving health care delivery and/or the way people manage their own health care by testing and developing innovative ideas and approaches and putting them into practice.

The initiative from ELFT, The REFRAME project, aims to test the use of mobile technology health solutions for patients with severe mental illness to see if an interactive text messaging intervention can improve their care and self-management. The team will be led by Professor Frank Röhricht.

This Telehealth approach with Florence is already used in Newham in supporting people with chronic physical illness to improve treatment adherence, patient engagement and self-management but this will be the first time it has been tested in a controlled trial for people with a severe mental health condition.

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