As the NHS works to meet increasing patient demand, Technology Enabled Care Services such as Flo offer a creative solution to help mitigate some of the ongoing pressures. Flo has been featured in a number of publications that address the need for GP practices and other health care providers to embrace technology as an enabler to improving outcomes, while potentially reducing some pressure from the system.
While the articles (available below) discuss a number of current healthcare delivery challenges, there is an overarching focus on aiming to improve the uptake and use of TECS, specifically by practice nurses, to help to mitigate some of the pressures on the system. The articles point to a need for general up-skilling amongst practice nurses to enable the adoption of TECS; it is essential that nurses feel confident enough to integrate technology into how they provide care for their patients. For example, from the patient’s perspective, being introduced to Flo as a tool to support self management by a nurse who is comfortable with Flo is reassuring and motivating, and could potentially lead to improved health outcomes due to better patient engagement in their health.
Here are some examples of how Flo is making a difference for patients and nurses alike:
Doing much of the hypertension moniteroring using Florence has:
- Improved compliance by sending twice-daily reminders.
- Saved on appointments, as follow-up of patients can be done by phone.
- Reduced time wasted on appointments when patients returned without their home readings.
- Reduced time wasted chasing patients to return their sheets.”
Primary Health Care, volume 28, issue 7
“Flo telehealth can be a valuable tool to help patients with COPD self-manage at home and can reduce the need for as many surgery visits if the patient’s texted responses trigger advice to take standby medication without delay, improves their compliance with medication, reduces overall anxiety and ultimately avoids hospital attendances or admissions” Practice Nurse, June 2018
To find out more about how the use of TECS are being encouraged and adopted in GP practices, take a look at the articles below in full from Practice Nursing, Primary Health Care, Journal of General Practice Nursing and Practice.
Views & Downloads (Membership required):
Practice Nursing – August 2018
Primary Health Care Journal – December 2018
GPN Technology Enabled Care Services – October 2018 (Membership required)
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