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Search Results for: diabetes

Clinical Network Event – Diabetes Webinar

Florence Clinical Network Event – Diabetes Webinar The Florence team will take you through the Diabetes pathways and protocols you can use with Florence for your patients. Sharing best practices through an open discussion workshop. More details to follow.

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Royal Victoria Infirmary – Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Midwife Victoria Bowman in this short video explains how Flo engages women to feel more in control, resulting in reduced anxiety, better use of clinical time and have less need of prescriptions.  Victoria goes on to talk about how there are fewer babies being born in extreme percentile ranges as pregnancies are lasting

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Diabetes, Flo and Skype in East London

Diabetes Nurse Specialist Theresa O’Shea of the East London NHS Foundation Trust and patient Yvonne, explain how they use a combination of Florence and Skype to increase the quality of care and convenience. #TotallyUnique

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(E029) Diabetes; Podiatry self-management

Debra Drury, Clinical Specialist Podiatrist at Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust has been using Flo to help patients manage their feet better, and prevent the development of foot ulcers through reinforcement and education. This video shows how Shane has benefited from using Flo. Read the case study. #Podiatry #Pennine Care #Self-management #TotallyUnique

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Focus On: Advanced Diabetes Nurse

29 November 2019  Diabetes – Self-management support Seonaid Morrison is an Advanced Diabetes Nurse for Argyll & Bute Health & Social Care Partnership.   Seonaid has kindly taken some time to share with us her experiences of working with Flo as part of our “Focus on Evaluation Project”. What is your

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